
I want to bring you the performer move closer. Much fun 😉


Luke Bracey (Dawson 17)

Birthday: 26. April 1989              

Profession: Australian Performer




Liana Daine Liberato (Amanda 17)liana_liberato_verge_jeff_vespa_3

Birthday: 20. August 1995

Profession: US-American Performer


James Paul Marsden (Dawson)

Birthday:28. September 1973

Profession: US-American Performer




Michelle Lynn Moaghan (Amanda)

Birthday: 23. March 1976

Profession: US-American Performer


Love this performer and maybe you find a good film from this performers 🙂


I Wish You All A Good Evening!…

2th Chapter

75Summary from Amanda

She had a fight with her husband Frank because she wanted absolutely to be today here for Trucks furneral.

About her:

They plighted inside the July at 1989. Short time after Amanda’s Examen they married. The honeymoon was on the Bahamas. After this fantastic time Amanda worked as a teacher at the Duke Uiversity Hospital. Amand was one day pregnant. Jared and after eighteen months later came Lynn on the earth. Amanda went housewive. They bought a house in Durham. Frank made a own practice. They lived very spare. It was a hard time but Amanda know that they was also good times. She became a 3th child how called Bea. But Bea died. Amanda was strong but she had a very hard time. At this Point she wanted more than ever spent time with her childrens and husband Frank.

I know this chapter is really interessting but also sad. I hope that the Story so interessting continue.

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See you soon 🙂

1th Chapter

bestofme_size_400Summary from me:


Dawson worked on “Ölplattformen” for fourteen years. It was every day dangerous but on one day they gave an oil explosion. It was a day, where Dawson actual had to die. He survivaled and stayed after he felt good in New Orleans. He had a Trailer where he lived on the Weekends when he not worked on the “Ölplattformen”. It’s not modern and very moderate. He bacame Money from a firma but he only wanted so many Money he need for the Trailer and the car.

He ate…He sleeped…He goes jogging…He trained with weights and he screwed on his car. He had no daily routin because he had no work. One day Dawson became a telephon from an advocat and he said: “It gives many things to rule.” At the 18th Juni 2009 he traveled to New Bern (Oriental) because his homie Tuck Hostetler was died. He wanted to went their and executed the things and went go back. BUT…

Memories: He remembered him back to the year 1984. He was seventeen. He loved a really sweet girl. This girl call Amanda. He thinked only this days on her. He knew all about they true love. He had pictures in his head. It was a great time but also a bad time. Dawson was a Cole and Amanda a Collier. Amanda’s parents prohibited to phone or to go out with Dawson. They don’t wanted that Amanda was together with Dawson. Once Amanda’s dad talked with Dawson and insulted Dawson very hard. Amanda and Dawson blocked their parents. But one day Dawson finished the true love and lost the best People of his life…Amanda. Amanda dragged in a hostel called Duke University. One month later Dawson grew arrested. He was for four years in the prison.

What a great Chapter at the beginning!! Read it too!! It’s awesome 🙂

the-best-of-me-15(Amanda when she was 17…)


Action from The Best of Me – Mein Weg zu dir

In the roman film version “The Best of Me – Mein Weg zu dir” see herself Dawson (James Marsden) and Amanda (Michelle Monaghan) after many, many years again. Because of the to perish share best friend meet them in their home place on each other again. Still the two to combine a tragic history. On High-School-Times were their for all many diversity background lovers, but the relationship was fail finally. Amanda has been a housewive and a mother, while Dawsons life a dramaticly reversal point to experience. First they see 21 years later by the burial theirs old friend, to put the question, if they the dramaticly past behind itself to let and again can to each other.the-best-of-me-premiere

Thats the summary from the perfect film! I love it so much and I hope you like the summary from me and look the film…

See you soon 😉



The bestselling love story behind the massive Hollywood film They were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks – with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip …Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to confront the paths they chose. Can true love ever rewrite the past? This is the new epic love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Last Song. Nicholas Sparks is theBestOfMe22one of the world’s most beloved authors.

Thats the description in the book. I want you tell my own opinion.

Own Opinion:

The first big love is special. This book is a bestselling lovestory. The hole story is about the first big love and can true love ever rewrite the past..? The book is an example that nothing is impossible! I think Nicholas Sparks want to tell you that not everything go right and the life if need be along.

I love the reprensentation! The story is better than an other lovestory! Its soo great!

About My Blog

ThebestofmeHello together


In the School we make a blog about a Topic. I want to give you so an understanding of something about the film and book “The best of me”. In German means that “Mein Weg zu dir”. The writer from this great Resultat call “Nicholas Sparks”. Its a bestseller from Nicholas Sparks.


I like the Trailer from this Film very much and I want to look the film and read the book. I want that you are shall too a fan!

I hope that you like my new Webblog and much fun!!

Trailer in German:
